It is almost 4:30 pm, and I am still sitting. I have read two newspapers, have read on the internet, and had a sandwich for lunch and graham crackers for a snack. Yes, it was lazy of me. I deserve it today.
For about four nights I have not gotten enough sleep and supplemented that with naps. Friday night, I went to bed at 1 am and slept well until 5:45, lay trying to go back to sleep until about 6:30, got up and went to the living room. I am very quiet and never disturb Tommy. Around 8:30 I went back to bed, went to sleep immediately and woke at 12:30 pm. So, I slept 9 hours and felt wonderful.
No, I did not get things done while I felt well. I was luxuriating in feeling well. That may seem silly. But, since I rarely feel rested, it has been nice to feel normal.
Now, there are things to do--Me--wash hair; with Tommy--empty dishwasher, load dishwasher; Tommy alone--water flowers, but milk for himself. Of course, I will make dinner using the rest of the cooked ground beef, corn on cob, slaw.
Oops! My clothes need to be washed and dried by Tommy before we do anything. Well, they need to go into the washer first thing. I cannot believe it is now 5 pm and this is just being done. We both forgot. Oh well.
Tommy said when he went to get the mail that three children were lying on their beach towels on the driveway next door. A little girl about 8 came over and dragged our garbage can back to where it goes. She seems so nice. Those kids next door are gems. I am shocked they are all so quiet with seven people, seven dogs, and at least three or four extra people. The dogs still bark all the time, especially around 6 and 8 am!
So, it is get the washing started, start dinner and go buy milk.
Do you ever feel so good that you hate to do anything and make yourself inordinately tired once again? Make no mistake--my back still hurts and so does my knee. But, I have felt not achy at all and not tired, rested.