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You are Road-Wardens in the Wulfmarch. By the Prince-Elector's Law, this means...

This is just a little extended micro-setting campaign pitch, tying in to my discussion yesterday.

You are Road-Wardens in the Wulfmarch. By the Prince-Elector’s Law, this means:

- You have the right to bear arms openly. 

- You have the right to ask any on the Prince’s highway their business and destination.

- You have both right and responsibility to interfere in any – and only –situations that threaten the innocent, that disrupt traffic along the highway, or that subvert the Laws of the Prince-Elector or the Empire. 

- You answer only to the Prince-Elector and his agents – at least in theory…but power, in the real world, is complicated.

You are Outsiders in the Wulfmarch. By virtue of the ancient Wolf-Curse, this means: 

- Most locals depend on you, but many of them dislike you. 

- Many people just want to be left alone, and most of them deserve it.

- Some people want your help, and many of them deserve it. 

- You might be able to make things better, if you don’t make them worse. Unfortunately, there are several definitions of ‘better’ around here.

- In these woods, there are wonders and horrors beyond your understanding. 

"Not to worry lads ... I'm sure them Road-Wardens ain't nigh..."

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