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Rummikub Hack, Generate Joker Credits v6.11

Rummikub (see Wikipedia definition) is a game principally associated with grandparents in South Florida. It is probably not the first thing most Facebook gamers have on their mind when they go looking for a game, but it probably should be.
Rummikub is one of the most excellent real-time multiplayer competitive games available on the network. If you like playing Rummikub, P-Kama’s Facebook version of the game lets you play oodles of matches, for free, against a seemingly limitless number of randomly matches opponents or your friends.

- Generates Joker Credits for Rummikub
- Scrapes Proxies
- Prevents bans

1. Run the game
2. Turn on the hack
3. Select the amount of Joker Credits
5. Click “Hack” and wait
6. Enjoy!

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